How To Maintain Sofa?

March 22,2022

Sofa plays an important role in the living room, so a comfortable sofa is indispensable. Of course, after having a good sofa, we should also pay attention to the maintenance of the sofa, so as to make the service life of the sofa longer and maintain the health of our family at the same time. So how should the sofa be properly maintained? Today, let's share some methods of sofa maintenance.




Insect Prevention And Dust Removal


We should prevent sofa from moths. In addition, the sofa is also easy to store ash and difficult to clean, so we should pay attention when using the sofa. We might as well try to wipe the sofa with light salt water, which can not only decontaminate, but also maintain its flexibility for a long time and prevents brittle folding and moth eaten. The dust between the gaps can be cleaned with a paint brush or vacuum cleaner, not directly with water. We should pay attention to prevent moths and remove dust in time, especially for the leather sofa or the cloth sofa.


Maintain Ventilation


If the home is wet for a long time, the moisture in the air will make the sofa soft, easy to deform and moldy. Therefore, we must remember to have regular ventilation to keep the home dry. If you encounter rainy weather, it is suggested that you might as well try a moisture absorber. For sofas of different material, the maintenance method is also different. But no matter which sofa, it is important to keep it ventilation.


Avoid Direct Sunlight


A long time of sunlight will make the sofa water loss or dry, loose or even disengage. The color of the sofa will turn yellow and become old. No matter what kind of leather sofa brand or cloth sofa brand, this phenomenon has nothing to do with the sofa brand. Therefore, when the sun shines on the sofa, you can close the curtains to block the sun.


The proper maintenance enable the sofa keep new for many year, and I hope this may help you.